
sibo-FRiendly bone broth


Why all the hype around bone broth? Because it’s a miracle. The ultimate panacea. Healer of all ills. If you are only going to make one thing to soothe and repair your ailing gut, make bone broth. Store-bought versions don’t count. You need the mineral density and gelatinous quality that can only come from high quality ingredients and long, slow cooking. Drink this like tea. Use it in place of water for making rice, soups and crockpots. Bathe in it. Absorb as much as you can!


  • 2 lbs. beef marrow bones (from the best quality source you can find – preferably pastured, grass-fed beef. Avoid knuckle bones whose cartilage is high FODMAP.)

  • 1 lb. beef shank (meaty with bone at center)

  • Water


  1. Preheat oven to 400 and let meat come to room temperature for 30 minutes.

  2. Put all meat on a roasting pan and place in oven for 30 minutes, until browned.

  3. Transfer meat to stockpot or slow cooker, then cover with water by 3 inches. Bring to a boil and skim off any sludgy proteins that rise to the top.

  4. Cook on low for a minimum of 8 hours and up to 24. (I do 24 because I want to get every possible mineral out of those expensive, nutrient-packed bones.)

  5. Turn off burner and let cool for at least an hour.

  6. Strain through a large strainer into another stockpot or non-BPA storage container.

  7. Let cool for an hour more before refrigerating, or quick chill in a sink full of ice-water.

  8. Refrigerate overnight and remove fat that arises the following day. Add 1 tablespoon salt and 2 teaspoons pepper. You will want this to balance the mineral flavor of the broth.

  9. Put into whatever size storage containers you like, for refrigeration or freezing. (Will last up to 2 weeks in fridge, and 3 months in freezer.)